Promises not yet kept


The Area Joint Committee is a joint committee of the County Council, South Cambs and parish councils and is the body that decides whether or not transport schemes are supported. It meets about 4 times a year and at its last meeting (7 Jul 08) the list of ‘minor traffic management measures (no budget currently identified)’ was tabled. Many schemes on this list have been scheduled for action but then have been put back as the County Council has withdrawn funding during the year.

There are three such schemes on the list relating to Cottenham, Histon and Impington:

Station Road Histon, waiting restrictions. This scheme dates back to 2006!

Rampton, the Green, waiting restrictions; and

Oakington Airfield Road, access restrictions.

It has been the intention of the AJC that all 3 schemes be implemented so that promises have been made but not yet kept.

County Councillor David Jenkins despairs: ‘these are not big schemes, they are needed locally and they have been approved. But the County Council is unable to find and commit necessary funding. And the more it does this the longer the list becomes. It has to find a way to bring this situation to an end and to deliver on its promises’.

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