Villages to lose bus service


Residents of Cottenham, Histon and Impington are to lose a valuable bus service when Myall’s ceases its 104 Sunday operation next month. The service runs until 11pm and when it goes there will no longer be a public transport link between the villages and Cambridge in the evening.

For a long time Myall’s had a monopoly on the route and build it up over time so that it did not need a subsidy, the day time service supported the evening run. Recently Stagecoach added its own hourly service during the daytime only and the result has been less income for Myall’s and an unsustainable business for it. That’s why it is pulling out of the service.

County Councillor David Jenkins said: ‘no-one can argue with the commercial decisions being taken. Myall’s is pulling out because it makes no money. Stagecoach’s business model does not allow it to provide an evening service. What’s disappointing is the County Council hiding behind this and neglecting its obligation to to enable the bus services which people need to be provided. It’s little wonder that the score for resident satisfaction with bus services is bottom quartile’ 

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