Residents and other users of Lambs Lane in Cottenham are delighted to hear that this road, renowned for its patches and potholes and generally uneven surface, is going to be resurfaced later this year. It’s a part of its rolling program of road resurfacing and the County Council will be doing the work during the summer.
Although it is a residential street Lambs Lane is ‘unfortuantely straight’ and an easy cut through from Rampton Road to the northern end of Cottenham. It’s also on the Citi 7 bus route and it was used as the main road through the village when Anglian water closed the B1049. It therefore gets more than its fair share of traffic including buses and other HCVs. It needs proper maintenance.
County Councillor David Jenkins is pleased but says that it’s not before time: ‘I checked that it was on the work plan in March earlier this year because so many local residents had complained to me. It’s in a terrible state and is a result of the Council’s ‘make do and mend’ strategy. Instead of investing in the County’s infrastructure it waits until it gets so bad that it has to do something. This is only more expensive in the long term.’