Vince Cable (MP for Twickenham, Lib Dem Treasury spokesman and deputy leader) will be attending a reception at St Eltheldreda’s Church, Ely,Thursday 28 May 09 from 7:00pm, to talk about his new book The Storm: The World Economic Crisis and What It Means. Tickets for this event are available from Toppings Bookshop (01353 645005) or on line at
However, in addition to the above reception (which is of course open to the public) SE Cambs Lib Dems are thrilled to announce that Dr Cable has agreed to attend a reception at 6:00 pm for Liberal Democrat members and supporters. The reception will be hosted by local Councillors Sheila & Jeremy Friend-Smith, at 33 Egremont Street, Ely CB6 1AE, 01353 663118. Tickets £20 per head. You can buy tickets for this event on-line at Ely Lib Dems’s web-site. Click here.
County Councillor David Jenkins, chair of SE Cambs Lib Dems said: ‘this is a great opportunity for people to meet this much-admired man. Vince is one of those politicians who attacts support from across the political spectrum. He has consistently called the recession right and his thinking underpins Lib Dem economic policy’