Lib Dems at Cambridgeshire County Council voted against the Council’s Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy at the October 2008 council meeting. They did so on the grounds that it is insufficiently ambitious and does not address the carbon reduction targets recently reaffirmed by the government and agreed with the European Union. (more…)
Lib Dems call for action to address the recession
Open letter to Jill Tuck, leader of Cambridgeshire County Council, from David Jenkins, Lib Dem group leader on the same council.
Dear Jill
I am writing to you in your role as Chair of Cambridgeshire Together and with the knowledge that you have a meeting early next month at which, I understand, the current economic situation is to be discussed. (more…)
Sham consultation weakens democracy
Following one of its ‘consultations’ the government has now decided that next year’s County Council elections should be held in June rather than May. That is so that they fall on the same day as the European elections. A cost-saving exercise. (more…)
Latest Score: Cambridgeshire Nil, Anchorage Alaska 1
Cambridgeshire Lib Dems have challenged the County Council’s Conservative Adminstration to live up to its promise to promote new technologies to save money and reduce carbon emissions. Last year Lib Dem Spoke Nichola Harrison approached Cambridge University Professor Colin Humphreys, a world expert on LED (Light Emitting Diode) technology, to ask for advice on the possible use of LEDs for street lighting. Prof Humphreys agreed to help the County Council set up a pilot project in Cambridgeshire, but the offer was rejected by senior cabinet members on the grounds that LED street lighting was not a viable technology. However … (more…)
Lib Dems call on councils to minimise council tax increases
In an open letter to all County and District Council Leaders in Cambridgeshire, Liberal Democrat Leader on the County Council, David Jenkins has called upon all councils and all parties to make a special effort to minimise any increase in Council Tax for next year. (more…)
Lib Dems support local post offices
Early in July the government is going to be announcing those post offices which it proposes to close. This will be a sad day for many villages because without their post offices residents may have to travel several miles to the next nearest. And with rural transport being generally poor this is tough for those without cars. (more…)
Lib Dems warn against transport strategy U-turn
The Liberal Democrats at Cambridgeshire County Council have urged the Conservative administration to persevere with its Transport Innovation Fund proposal, at least until the Government have responded in autumn 2008. (more…)