After all the hoohaa in recent weeks about Strawberry Fair and the worries about people spoiling the day last weekend when the alternative ‘Raspberry Fair’ took place it was refreshing to visit the Big Fat Gypsy Festival at Milton County Park this weekend. Read the rest of this entry.
Questions in parliament: the Guided Bus
And here’s another question about a topic in which most of us have an interest and this one did secure a promise of action Read the rest of this entry.
Questions in parliament: Oakington Detention Centre
It’s good to see an interest being shown in parliament in the detention centre at Oakington even if it is from the MP for a nighbouring constituency. Read the rest of this entry.
May 2010 report for parish councils
Our May 10 report is now available. Click here or in the menu bar on the left to access it.
Gilbert Road bike event
On 18 May 10 a group of Gilbert Road residents, councillors, the MP for Cambridge, members of the Cambridge Cycling Campaign and other road users cycled along the road to Chesterton Community College at the time when children were going to school. The aim was to see what road conditions are like for cyclists at present. David was one of the councillors. Read the rest of this entry. Read the rest of this entry.
The national Conservative Lib Dem coalition
David and Sue attended the Lib Dem special conference in Birmingham on Sunday. Although the national coalition with the Tories had already been approved by the Lib Dem MPS and peers and by the Lib Dem federal executive this conference was called to allow members to have their say. That’s how the Lib Dems do things. We are a very open, inclusive and democratic party. Read the rest of this entry.
B1049 speed limits and cycle lanes
The County Council has begun the consultation on proposed ‘new’ speed limits for the B1049 south of Cottenham to the A14. At the same time it is consulting on a stretch of the cycling provision which will eventually extend all the way from the A14 to Cottenham. Read the rest of this entry.
Well done Edd, well done Lynda
When the dust had settled on Friday morning local Lib Dems have had some cause to celebrate after the disappointment of the national result. Read the rest of this entry.
April 2010 report for parish councils
Our Apr 10 report is now available. Click here or in the menu bar on the left to access it.
Election day on Thursday
With all the media coverage of the general election is easy to overlook the local elections but there are councillors to be elected to South Cambs District Council as well on Thursday. Read the rest of this entry.