Station Road, Histon resident John Phillips is very pleased now that it’s clear to motorists that they should not park outside his driveway. The painted white line makes it clear that this is a driveway in use and that to park across it would be to cause an obstruction. Read the rest of this entry.
County Council wastes money on shuffling the deckchairs
Cambridgeshire County Council has revealed that its current top management reorganisation is costing the taxpayer over half a million pounds. In the answer to a question posed by Cllr Julian Huppert at the last council meeting it was revealed that the cost of the reorganisation will be £641,000. Read the rest of this entry.
It’s not a very elegant tree
But it is a tree and probably rather old. And in a bizarre reversal of roles the builders of the guided bus found themselves on the side of the defenders of the environment last week. It was a week in which is seems that trees were being demolished all over Cambridge, including several by the guided bus people themselves in Trumpington, but this one tree seems to have survived. Read the rest of this entry. Read the rest of this entry.
Why should you become a county councillor?
Some people would argue that since all the decisions on the county council are made by a small group of people in the majority party there’s little point in becoming a councillor. That’s a trifle cynical because all councillors can have a massive impact in two ways. Read the rest of this entry.
Histon Junior School: another one to be proud of!
Histon and Impington are unique in terms of their primary education provision in that there are two schools on two sites with two head teachers. There’s the infants school in New School Lane and the junior school just off the Green. County Councillor David Jenkins paid a visit last Thursday afternoon. Read the rest of this entry.
County Lib Dems given national award
At the recent Lib Dem spring conference in Harrogate the Cambridgeshire County Council Lib Dem group was named ‘highly commended’ in the Local Governement Association (LGA) Lib Dem group of the year awards. Read the rest of this entry.
When you really have to use your car
Maybe the purists would argue that there’s never a situation when you really have to use your car but sometimes the alternative is just to expensive or impractical that others would accept that it is appropriate. Read the rest of this entry.
Let’s get the name right: it’s Orchard Park
Someone should tell Gallaghers that it’s Orchard Park not Arbury Park. The school is Orchard Park community primary school, the council is Orchard Park Community Council, Stagecoach’s bus timtetables refer to Orchard Park and the community web-site is no longer inside Arbury park but So why doesn’t Gallaghers get the message? Read the rest of this entry. Read the rest of this entry.
It’s not just about politics
Today is red nose day and it’s become something of a national institution with over £420million raised for people in need, in the UK and Africa, since 1988. The County Council Lib Dem group made its small contribution to the day during its monthly meeting at Shire Hall. Read the rest of this entry.
Dropped kerbs are more of a problem
The County has a well defined set of rules relating to dropped kerbs so that they do not make life more difficult for those with mobility problems, wheelchair and motorised scooter users and people with push chairs. The trouble is that they’re more often than not observed in the breach and this has been compounded by inadequate enforcement in recent years. Read the rest of this entry.