Guided Bus fares fiasco


The news this last week that users of the guided bus will not be able to use their tickets for both operators beggars belief. The details are on the County Council’s web-site (click here). Since Whippet is offering significantly lower fares but will be running fewer buses there may be queues of passengers standing at the stops watching empty Stagecoach buses go by whilst they wait for on from Whippet. Read the rest of this entry.

PDGs: secret or not?

The first County Council meeting of this new council took place last Tuesday. As usual it was full of procedural stuff and coincidentally offered little opportunity for councillors to provide an input. Coincidentally because there were no Cabinet meetings between this meeting and the previous council meeting and there is no provision in the Constitution for motions or written or oral questions. That’s unfortunate because the meeting did take up the valuable time of Officers (senior and otherwise) and Members. Read the rest of this entry.