Histon misses the lollipop man


The lollipop man who helps kids cross the high street in Histon on their way to school is off sick, even lollipop men occasionally get sick, and he’s sorely missed. For no more than 20 minutes in the morning when children need to cross this road on the way to school and at the same time commuter traffic is heavy and queued back from the B1049 cross roads there is chaos to which he brings order. Get well soon! Continue reading

Latest Score: Cambridgeshire Nil, Anchorage Alaska 1

2 for the price of one but neither uses latest low cost LED technology

Cambridgeshire Lib Dems have challenged the County Council’s Conservative Adminstration to live up to its promise to promote new technologies to save money and reduce carbon emissions. Last year Lib Dem Spoke Nichola Harrison approached Cambridge University Professor Colin Humphreys, a world expert on LED (Light Emitting Diode) technology, to ask for advice on the possible use of LEDs for street lighting. Prof Humphreys agreed to help the County Council set up a pilot project in Cambridgeshire, but the offer was rejected by senior cabinet members on the grounds that LED street lighting was not a viable technology. However … Continue reading

Impington Parish Council submits response to Post Office consultation


Following the announcement by the Post Office that it intends to close Impington Post Office and is allowing a period of ‘consultation’ Impington Parish Council, fully supported by local Lib Dem councillors David Jenkins (county) and Jonathon Chatfield (district), has confirmed local support , both from local people and businesses. It has prepared a response to the consultation and submitted it today. Continue reading

Cambridgeshire Guided Bus: more questions than answers


The County Council has and continues to run a series of ‘open days’ at the guided bus site. I joined one last week. It was a good morning, there were a dozen or so of us in attendance and we got a fairly good briefing about the busway and its construction. However as an opportunity to really understand what this development might do for the county it failed. Continue reading

Promises not yet kept


The Area Joint Committee is a joint committee of the County Council, South Cambs and parish councils and is the body that decides whether or not transport schemes are supported. It meets about 4 times a year and at its last meeting (7 Jul 08) the list of ‘minor traffic management measures (no budget currently identified)’ was tabled. Many schemes on this list have been scheduled for action but then have been put back as the County Council has withdrawn funding during the year. Continue reading